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Global Peace Mission Malaysia Engages in Round Table Discussion on Contemporary Dakwah and Muslim Youth Engagement in Cambodia

By: GPM Humanitarian Affairs and Redevelopment Department

On March 21, 2024, Global Peace Mission (GPM) Malaysia had the privilege to participate in a significant Round Table Discussion at the Alserkal Mosque in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Hosted by HE Kao Imran, Secretary of State in Cambodia’s Ministry of Information, the discussion focused on Contemporary Dakwah (Islamic outreach) and approaches to engaging Muslim youth. GPM President Fahmi Samsudin was among the distinguished participants who shared insights and perspectives on these vital topics. During the discussion, President Fahmi Samsudin underscored several crucial aspects pertinent to the Islamic world. A primary focus was on the importance of delivering preaching (dakwah) wisely, acknowledging the diverse contexts and challenges faced by Muslim communities globally. He emphasized the need for nuanced and strategic approaches in conveying Islamic teachings to resonate effectively with contemporary youth.

President Fahmi also highlighted the uniqueness of the WADAH-ABIM-PKPIM (WAP) movement in Malaysia. He lauded its orderly transition of cadre as a model for Islamic movements worldwide, showcasing effective leadership succession and organizational sustainability. The round table discussion saw the presence of esteemed figures from various spheres of Islamic scholars and activism. Dr. Muhammad Nur Manuty, Chairman of IKIM (Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia), and Dato Dr. Mohamed Azam, Director General of IKIM, contributed valuable insights on contemporary dakwah methodologies and the role of Islamic institutions in youth engagement. Dzul Aiman, President of National Union Of Malaysian Muslim Students, also participated actively, sharing perspectives on youth empowerment within the Islamic movement.

The participation of GPM Malaysia in this round table discussion exemplifies the organization’s commitment in fostering dialogue and collaboration within the global Islamic community. The exchange of ideas and experiences among participants from Malaysia and Cambodia, facilitated by HE Kao Imran, provides a platform for mutual learning and solidarity. As the Round Table Discussion on Contemporary Dakwah and Youth Approaches concludes, the insights shared by GPM’s President Fahmi Samsudin and other participants serve as catalysts for innovative strategies in engaging Muslim youth and advancing the goals of the Islamic movement. GPM Malaysia remains dedicated to contributing meaningfully to such dialogues and endeavours, guided by the principles of peace, compassion, and understanding.


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